Online Trainings
Lead with awareness & bring your business to the next level
November 2026, tba
5 weeks, online
5 Webinars (offline available)
5 Coaching Sessions
Weekly time investment: 5,5h
tba $ Professional/
tba $ Student
Program is worth 2.450$. You receive a discount of 20% on each webinar & 30% on each coaching session.
Please click here for more information about our pricing.
Payment via Paypal & TransferWise
Special group enrolment pricing
Why Enrol for our Regenerative Leaders Online Training?
… because we need leaders who lead with awareness and regenerate by being in business.
Leadership is hard to define and even more so is good leadership. On top of that, our world has reached a level of complexity where it seems impossible to do everything “right” and to not have a negative footprint on people & planet.
We are not here to tell you how to run your business. We are here to ask the right questions and guide you through a process which helps you to understand the boundaries and opportunities of a responsible business. Let us open your perspective on the value you can create and how you can activate the full potential of yourself and the organisation you are leading by harnessing the power of regenerative practices.
This is a deep self-reflection & self-development journey which starts with fundamental questions about who you are, what you value, and how you lead yourself and others. From there we move to your vision for your project/organisation/business and systematically unravel your services, stakeholders, work designs & all interrelationships from the perspective of Living System Design. This in-depth analysis will help us to identify the patterns & work systems that hold you back and your opportunities for growth.
You will develop strong (self-)awareness, critical and whole system thinking and learn the design principles of Living Systems. While our webinars provide you with the knowledge & tools to become a regenerative leader, our coaching sessions will give you the opportunity to immediately apply what you've learnt, in your private life and in the organisation you are managing.
We raise your awareness and make you a leader who...
leads intentionally, instead of accidentally
manages WHOLES & INTERRELATIONSHIPS, instead of only parts and pieces
puts the development of people & their mindsets first
knows what it takes to create well-being for all stakeholder involved, starting with him*herself
creates truly sustainable success
does more with less!

Our 3-Step-Approach
We follow a 3-Step-Approach which is aligned with the procedure of strategic implementation by Carol Sanford and the U-Theory of Otto Scharmer (The Presencing Institute).
Regenerative Leadership puts the development of people first! This is where we start, with you (!) and the question of how you lead yourself before we dive deeper into the value creation for all stakeholders & the respective work systems that are required to reach your goals.

The Process
Principles & Frameworks
Case Studies
Coaching Sessions
Your Ecosystem:
Private Life &

What you will learn
Module A: Introduction to Regenerative Leadership
Module B: Who am I? How do I lead myself?
Module C: Giving Direction & Corporate Leadership
Module D: Understanding Service & Impact (Measurement)
Module E: Multi-Layered Stakeholder Mapping & Analysis
Module F: Value Mapping & Value Creation
Module G: Regenerative Strategic Planning
Module H: Regenerative Business Culture
Mindfulness & meditation practices are integrated in each module.
Please note that we cover only the basics of Circular Economy, Environmental & Social Impact Assessment, and Green Finance structures (if relevant for your type of business/organisation). If you want to dive deeper into the respective subjects, please have a look at our Expert Fusion Programs.
How you will learn
5 Webinars
(offline available)
5 Coaching Sessions
Case Studies
Regenerative Tool-Kit
(e.g. 3D Stakeholder Mapping, Visualisations, Meditation, Embodiment Practices)
Real-Life Application
(for your personal ecosystem:
private life & business/organisation)
Q&A Rounds

Improved Clarity, Strategy & Leadership
Increased Awareness & Regenerative Mindsets
Increased Productivity &
Sustainable Work Systems
Higher Satisfaction,
Motivation & Vitality
Maximised Stakeholder Value &
Greater Positive Resonance
Mindful use of financial,
environmental & social resources
Increased Corporate Health & Sustainable Success

More about our Regenerative Tool-Kit
The educational material of JR | Regenerative Leadership is a unique blend of existing frameworks and shared concepts among leading institutions of the regenerative leadership paradigm, as well as tools acquired & refined in the fields of Business Administration, Sustainable Development, Sociology & Social Transformation, Leadership, Taoism & Yoga Philosophy.
Our tools have been proven to bring about profound and long-lasting change, from the micro-level towards the governmental level. All tools make use of our cognitive diversity and promote whole system thinking. Among these are different visualisation & embodiment techniques, such as the 3D Mapping Tool from the Presencing Institute, which enables you to analyse your ecosystems from the perspective of Living System Design. We also let you explore the power of meditation for the sake of successful mindful leadership. In short, we invest in your mindset!
Read more here about our educational material.